
Better to be Ready Then Get Ready

Welcome to Juniques Prep Group

What is the emerging Preparedness Industry?
If YOU provide a product or service that empowers your patrons to be financially & strategically prepared, sustainable & resilient amidst at-risk events and daily business challenges, consider yourself a peer in the new
economic frontier of the Preparedness Industry.

Juniques is so pleased to be part of the preparedness industry. 
The I Prep 2 Thrive program
is so realistic and doable !!!!

Yes You Can Earn Income with this program!!!!
You can be involved for as little as $5 month!!!!!

Better to BE Ready Then Get Ready!!!!!!
We believe every head of household and/or business owner should have a suffcient "cash stash" for emergencies and as many revenue streams as possible!  With this in mind, subscribers receive 17% *Subscriber Opportunity Share (S.O.S.) commission payment, for passive referrals.  
You must "opt-in" to this Preparedness Pays™ opportunity! 
CashFlow 5-10-10-75™ budgeting

Your Referrer Rickey Johnson

This is message was shared in 2012  
The I Prep 2 Thrive 
allows you to apply
this proven formula for success!!

Resources Available to You to Use Now!!!

Thank you for viewing our options, please put them to use today!!!!

some of the services we’re recommending  have affiliate partnerships with us, so we may earn a commission if you visit one of them and buy something.